9 Creative Ways to Start Your Essay


Remember the DEER Burger post? So, let's continue our business on writing. I believe that many of us (new teachers especially) are looking for efficient strategies when it comes to teaching writing. So, here you go!

Example of Question: Depression.

1. Using Question
Do you know that depression is getting too serious that it is being documented all over the world? Thus, this essential matter should be dealt immediately.

2. Using Fact
One of the famous mental illnesses is depression. Following that, it is being documented all over the world. This indicates that people around world are struggling to get by every day. 

3. Using Song Lyrics
"Cause I'm just holding on for tonight.." - Chandelier by Sia. This song talks about a person who is suffering from a terrible depression. 

4. Using Quotes
Oprah once said, "If you're feeling depressed, talk to the person that you trust the most. Confiding isn't supposed to be viewed as an embarrassment. You are stronger than that!". These substantial words of her signify that it is okay to feel depressed but it is not okay not to talk about it.

5. Using Pop Culture / Current Trend / References
In spite of being famous and rich, Miley Cyrus is powerless when it comes to fighting depression. She admits that she tend to feel disturbed and irritated whenever she reads the comments from the netizens.

6. Using General Statement
A lot of people are suffering from depression. However, they choose to sweep it under the rug and pretend that it is not there.

7. Using Anecdote
It was a gloomy Sunday that Hafiz started to feel depressed. He was thinking about what happened at school last Friday because everybody refused to believe him.

8. Using Dialogue
"It's okay to feel depressed Aiman. It is part of being a normal human being. I had my fair share  when it comes to depression." Those were the last words I ever heard from my brother. I was only seventeen; indecisive and emotionally unstable. 

9. Using Definition
Depression is a condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt. Besides, it is often accompanied by lack of energy and disturbance of appetite and sleep.

I hope this entry will benefit us all!

Thank you Mr. Jaginder!

Best Regards,
Rizal Sadiman.

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